Wednesday, February 6, 2008

another response to her

i have made a habit
twirling my greasy strands
and now I’ve cinctured this bloody finger callous

the claw (the nail)
the blood bubble

outline your navel
in navigating the tendons
my rings get in the way

the snags
the divots are sweat bowls

belt sounds clinking resound
signal sex like the church at midnight
parishioners consecrate the holy fuck

hump the knob till the click, the sigh
your beauty peaks
in a concentrated stare on the needle, on the match-flame

the lesbian crack binge
the first sweet breath

where skin was bare
hair has grown thick and black
to the mouth to the nose to the eyes-mark it at the pock scar

you’ve caught me again

the claw (the nail)
the blood bubble

1 comment:

Charish Halliburton said...

I love this imagery.
Is that cliche to say?
I love anything with "Holy Fuck" in it.
Now that sounds cliche.