Thursday, June 25, 2009

Women would then have to start by resisting the movement of re-appropriation that rules the whole economy, by being party no longer to the masculine return, but by proposing instead a desire no longer caught up in the death struggle, no longer implicated in the reservation and reckoning of the masculine economy, but breaking with the reckoning that "I never lose anything except to win a bit more"…so as to put aside all negativeness and bring out a positivness which might be called the living other, the rescued other, the other unthreatened by destruction.   Women have it in them to organize this regeneration, this vitalization of the other, of otherness in its entirety.  They have it in them to affirm the different, their difference, such that nothing can destroy that difference, rather that it might be affirmed, affirmed to the point of strangeness.  So much so that when sexual difference, is touched on, the whole problem of destroying the strange, destroying all the forms of racism, all the exclusions, all of those instances of outlaw and genocide that recur through History, is also touched on.  If women were to set themselves to transform History, it can safely be said that every aspect of History would be completely altered.  Instead of being made by man, History's task would be to make woman, to produce her.  And it's at this point that work by women themselves on women might be brought into play, which would benefit not only women but all humanity.

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