Thursday, June 25, 2009

Women who write have for the most part until now considered themselves to be writing not as women but as writers.  Such women may declare that sexual difference means nothing, that there's no attributable difference between masculine and feminine writing…What does it mean to "take no position"?  When someone says "I'm not political" we all know what that means!  It's just another way of saying: "My politics are someone else's!"  And it's exactly the case with writing!  Most women are like this: they do someone else's-man's-writing, and in their innocence sustain it and give it voice, and end up producing writing that's in effect masculine.  Great care must be taken in working on feminine writing not to get trapped by names: to be signed with a women's name doesn't necessarily make a piece of writing feminine.  It could quite well be masculine writing, and conversely, the fact that a piece of writing is signed with a man's name does not in itself exclude femininity.  It's rare, but you can sometimes find feminist in writing signed by men: it does happen.

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